ZCO (Zero Compromise Optics) scopes

Uncompromised optical and mechanical systems – Made and designed in Austria and The United States!

Zero Com­pro­mise Optic is and al­ways has been a multi-na­tional af­fair. Since the com­pany was cre­ated, we com­bined the best op­ti­cal, me­chan­i­cal, new de­sign cre­ation, and per­for­mance dri­ven minds from Aus­tria and The United States. The ZCO staff in­clude mem­bers that hold mul­ti­ple patents in the rifle scope in­dus­try, have de­signed some of the most ro­bust me­chan­i­cal sys­tems that are still being used today, have held top level man­age­ment po­si­tions, as well as a re­tired U.S. mil­i­tary of­fi­cer among many other back­grounds. Our head­quar­ters and ma­chine shop are lo­cated in Aus­tria while our orig­i­nal and new prod­uct de­sign, test­ing, and de­vel­op­ment staff is lo­cated in both Aus­tria and the United States. The level of bril­liance and in­tel­lect through­out the en­tire com­pany is the major dri­ving force be­hind our suc­cess. ZCO may be a new com­pany, but our tal­ent in this in­dus­try runs about as deep as the Mar­i­anas Trench.